Thursday 9 May 2019

DWD Protocol Honest Review of the Diabetes Protocol Program
DWD Protocol Recipes are created and designed for a purpose. They help you create a masterpiece. So as a worksite wellness program coordinator, create a masterpiece program by following the evidence-based recipe.

A wellness wheel is a visual representation of the elements of organizational wellness or wellbeing. And you do want to address organizational health and wellness equally as well as you are addressing employee health and wellness, right?

Wellness and wellbeing are constructs or concepts. A wellness wheel provides a visual representation of these concepts or constructs. DWD Protocol As a tool, a wheel works best when it is round.

The concept of the wellness wheel is typically used to visually represent how well-rounded an individual's life is when it comes to the various elements or dimensions of wellness or well-being. I believe this same visual representation can be applied to organizational wellness or wellbeing. Wellness wheels will reflect the different elements or dimensions that make-up the wellness or wellbeing model being used by the individual or employer.

Since the wellness wheel works great for depicting individual wellness, I would ask why it would not work as equally well for organizational wellness. I believe it can. Based on my reading of literature, here is my attempt at DWD Protocol depicting an organizational wellness wheel. As with individual wellness, the more round the wheel, the more balanced an organization's wellness might be said to be. Just as individual wellness is individually dependent, I see organizational wellness to be organizationally dependent.

Here are the elements that I view as belonging on an organizational wellness wheel:


This element addresses all things leadership such as style, effectiveness, supporting and valuing employees and their autonomy and job DWD Protocol enrichment. Also included would be leadership development and a cohesive leadership team.

Mission, Vision and Values

The organization's mission, vision and values are clearly articulated and employees know where and how they fit within the organization.


Communication and feedback across DWD Protocol the organisation are clear, timely and meaningful. Information freely flows in all directions.


Accountability is embraced across the whole organization.

Value Creation

The program creates value for all the organization's stakeholders.

Environment, Climate and Culture

Resources, programming and DWD Protocol policies that support employees are in place. The workforce environment, climate and culture are all positive and supportive and they all foster innovation, creativity and meaningful work.

Quality Employee Experience

DWD Protocol Diabetes Employees are engaged, feel valued and appreciated. Employees are provided with the tools and resources they need to do their job and consider their workplace it to be a great place to work. Employees are encouraged to be authentic and the use of their strengths is encouraged as well. All employees respect, care and support each other.

Positive management practices a critical. Effective and successful organizations target employee experience from as many different directions as possible. As a multidimensional concept, worksite wellness fits right into that mold.>>>>

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